Undergraduate certificate. An undergraduate certificate is awarded upon completion of a 9 to 30 credit academic program. An undergraduate certificate program may have an occupational outcome or address a focused area of study. At least one-third of the credits in the undergraduate certificate shall be taught by the faculty recommending the award.
Diploma. A diploma is awarded upon completion of a 31 to 72 credit undergraduate academic program that prepares students for employment. A minimum of 24 credits shall be in occupational or technical courses.
A diploma may have one or more emphases of at least 9 credits when there are at least 30 credits in the major that are common to the emphases. At least one-third of the credits in the diploma shall be taught by the faculty recommending the award.
Associate in applied science degree. (AAS) An associate in applied science degree is awarded upon completion of a 60 to 72 credit academic program in a named field of study in scientific, technological or other professional fields.
An associate in applied science degree prepares students for employment in an occupation or range of occupations. An associate in applied science degree may also be accepted in transfer to a related baccalaureate program.
An associate in applied science degree requires a minimum of 15 general education credits selected from at least three of the ten goal areas of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum. At least 30 credits shall be in the academic program's occupational or technical field of preparation.
An associate in applied science degree may have one or more emphases of at least 9 credits each when there are at least 30 credits in the major that are common to the emphases.
At least 20 credits in an associate in applied science shall be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the president of the college or university.
Associate in arts degree. (AA) An associate in arts degree is awarded upon completion of a 60 to 64 credit program in the liberal arts and sciences without a named field of study. It is designed for transfer to baccalaureate degree-granting institutions.
The degree requires completion of at least a 40 credit general education curriculum that fulfills the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goal areas. At least 20 credits in the associate in arts degree shall be taught by the faculty recommending the award.
Associate in science degree. (AS) An associate in science degree shall not have emphases. An associate in science degree is awarded upon completion of a 60 to 64 credit transfer program in scientific, technological, or other professional fields designed to transfer in its entirety to a related baccalaureate program by way of an articulation agreement. The associate in science degree requires a minimum of 30 general education credits selected from at least six of the ten goal areas of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum. At least 20 credits in an associate in science degree shall be taught by the faculty recommending the award. This requirement may be decreased upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the president of the college or university.
AASC 11/18/11