Information Collection
When you apply for admission, while you are enrolled, and after graduation you will be asked to supply information about yourself, including your social security number. You will be asked to report information in the following ways:
- Admission Application
- Enrollment Form
- Financial Aid Application
- Assessment Testing Information
- Placement and Employment Follow-Up Information Forms
- Oral Interviews with College Staff
- Health, Immunization Records
- You have the right to know and to view all public and private data maintained regarding you.
- You have the right to have the data explained to you and receive a copy of it.
- You have the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the data and to include your own explanation of the data.
There are consequences for not supplying data which may result in denial of the following services:
- You may not be admitted for enrollment if you do not complete the admissions application (except social security number).
- You may not receive academic accommodation if you do not verify your disability based on a recent psychological or medical evaluation.
- You may not receive financial aid assistance if you do not provide information on the financial aid form.
- You may not continue in college if you do not comply with immunization information as required by law.
Students Rights, Responsibilities and Authorizations for the Collection and Release of Data
É«ÖÐÉ« maintains records about you in various places within the institution. For example, the admissions office maintains records about you, as does the registrar. Under federal and state law, you have certain rights concerning the records which SCC maintains.
Should you have questions concerning your rights, please contact Student Affairs Center at 507 389-7220.
Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) and the Family and Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA), you have a right:
- To inspect and review educational records maintained about you;
- To request an amendment to records about you for the purpose of correcting inaccurate or misleading records, or records which violate your privacy or other rights in some fashion;
- To a hearing regarding records which you believe are inaccurate or misleading, if the College does not amend the records at your request;
- To place a written statement explaining your disagreement with SCC in your records, if SCC does not amend records after the opportunity for a hearing about whether the records are inaccurate or misleading;
- To consent to disclosures of information which identifies you personally, except to the extent that such disclosures are allowed without your consent under state and federal law (FERPA and the MGDPA permit disclosures without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by SCC in an administrative, supervisory, academic or support staff position, a person or company with whom SCC has contracted, a student serving on official SCC committees, a person serving on the Board of Trustees or in the Office of the Chancellor, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.);
- To file a complaint with the United States Department of Education if you believe that SCC is not meeting the requirements of the federal law. Written complaints should be sent to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605.
Directory Information
Directory information including name, program major, dates of attendance, honors and student status (enrolled, graduated, graduation date, withdrew, part-time, full-time) may be released to the public without prior consent. If you wish to exercise your right to suppress the release of directory information please fill out a Data Privacy Request form and submit to the Advising & Registration Center.
Limited Directory Information
Limited Directory information includes permanent and local addresses, home and cell phone numbers, SCC and permanent email addresses, STAR ID student ID number, and date of birth.
Physical and email address, phone numbers, date of birth, STAR and student ID’s are approved for use in the Aviso Retention Connect student engagement software.
Email address and STAR ID are approved for use in the Office 365 Global Address list.
Note that full functionality of Aviso Retention Connect and Office 365 may not be available when Limited Directory Data are suppressed.
Tennessen Warning (M.S. 13.04, SUBD.2.)
With the exception of directory information, all data of a public, private or confidential nature that you are requested to supply to the College is for the sole use of the College to be used in performing administrative, managerial, counseling and reporting functions.
A student may refuse to supply requested data, but such refusal may result in ineligibility for specific rights or services.
The College will release student data without student permission only to those agencies, persons and organizations authorized by federal and state statute to receive such information. Under certain circumstances, federal and state laws authorize release of private information without your consent:
- to other schools in which you seek or intend to enroll, or are enrolled, if you are first notified of the release;
- to federal, state or local officials for purposes of program compliance, audit or evaluation;
- as appropriate in connection with your application for, or receipt of, financial aid;
- to your parents, if your parents claim you as a dependent student for tax purposes;
- if the information is sought with a subpoena, court order, or otherwise permitted by other state or federal law, and
- to an organization engaged in educational research or accrediting agency.
FERPA Annual Notice
The College/University maintains records about you in various places within the institution. For example, the admissions office maintains records about you, as does the registrar. Under federal and state law, you have certain rights concerning the records which the College/University maintains. This notice is to make you aware of those rights.
Should you have questions concerning your rights, please contact Student Affairs Center at 507 389-7220.
Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) and the Family and Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA), you have a right:
- to inspect and review educational records maintained about you;
- to request an amendment to records about you for the purpose of correcting inaccurate, incomplete or misleading records; and
- to a hearing regarding your request, if the College/University does not amend the records at your request;
- to place a written statement explaining your disagreement with the College/University in your records, if the College/University does not amend records after the opportunity for a hearing about whether the records are inaccurate, incomplete or misleading;
- to consent to disclosures of information which identify you personally, except to the extent that such disclosures are allowed without your consent under state and federal law;
For example, FERPA and the MGDPA permit disclosures without consent to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College/University in an administrative, supervisory, academic or support staff position, a person or company with whom the College/University has contracted, a student serving on official College/University committees, a person serving on the Board of Trustees or in the Office of the Chancellor, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Notice: If you are currently enrolled in or receiving services from one college or university within the Minnesota State College and University System ("System"), your academic records from that institution are available to officials of other schools within the System while you are in attendance. If you seek or intend to enroll at another institution within the System, your academic records from other institutions are also accessible to officials at the school where you are seeking or intend to enroll. SCC forwards education records to other agencies or institutions that have requested the records and in which the student seeks or intends to or is already enrolled as long as the disclosure is for purposes related to student’s enrollment or transfer. Disclosures of your records to other schools under other circumstances may require your prior written consent.
You have the right to request a copy of records that have been disclosed. You also have the right to request a hearing to correct any inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information in those disclosed records. For further information about your rights, please contact the Registrar at the college or university that supplied the records."
- to file a complaint with the United States Department of Education if you believe that the College/University s not meeting the requirements of the federal law. Written complaints should be sent to: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Dept. of Education, 600 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4605;
- to obtain a copy of the College/University's complete policy regarding educational records. The College/University has copies of the policy available at:
Authorization to Release Student Information
Related Policies
- Data Governance Policy # 5.2601
- Data Governance Procedure #5.2601.0001
- Information Available to the Public Policy #2.0002