Keep the Community Healthy
This degree includes instruction in the basic sciences and aspects of the subject matter related to various health occupations.
Campuses: Faribault and North Mankato
Program Start Dates: Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
For more information: (507) 389-7200 |
Awards / Degrees
Employment Outlook
- Percentage of FY22 graduates available for employment placed in related occupation: no graduates available for employment
- Percentage of FY22 graduates continuing their education: 100%
Source: Minnesota State system follow-up survey on the status of graduates by program/major - FY2022
Transfer Options
Once you have finished your health sciences broad field associate of science degree, established transfer agreements allow you to apply SCC credits toward a:
- Bemidji State University - Community Health BS, Exercise Science BS, Nursing BS
- Metropolitan State University - Nursing BSN
- Minnesota State University, Mankato - Communications Disorders BA/BS, Corrections BS, Dental Hygiene BS, Family Consumer Science Education BS (Emphases: Dietetics, Food and Nutrition), Food Science Technology BS, Nursing BS, Psychology BA/BS, Recreation Parks and Leisure Services BS (Emphasis: Therapeutic Recreation), Social Work BSSW
- Minnesota State University, Moorhead - Exercise Science BS, Health Teacher Education BS, *Nursing BS
- St. Cloud State University - Athletic Training BS, Community Health BS, Social Work BS, Nursing BS
- Southwest Minnesota State University - Exercise Science BS, Nursing BS
- Winona State University - Biology BS (Emphasis: Allied Health), Exercise and Rehabilitative Science BS (Emphases: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Exercise Science), Health Promotion BT, Health Promotion: Community Health BT, Nursing BS