60 Credits AS3366/AS2366, Academic Catalog 2024-2025
This degree includes instruction in the basic sciences and aspects of the subject matter related to various health occupations.
The Health Science Broad Field program provides a general, introductory curriculum in health sciences that prepares individuals for transfer to a variety of baccalaureate degree programs. Applicable programs include:
Bemidji State University - Community Health BS, Exercise Science BS, Nursing BS
Metropolitan State University - Nursing BSN
Minnesota State University, Mankato - Communications Disorders BA/BS, Corrections BS, Dental Hygiene BS, Family Consumer Science Education BS (Emphases: Dietetics, Food and Nutrition), Food Science Technology BS, Nursing BS, Psychology BA/BS, Recreation Parks and Leisure Services BS (Emphasis: Therapeutic Recreation), Social Work BSSW
Minnesota State University, Moorhead - Exercise Science BS, Health Teacher Education BS
St. Cloud State University - Athletic Training BS, Community Health BS, Social Work BS
Southwest Minnesota State University - Exercise Science BS
Winona State University - Biology BS (Emphasis: Allied Health), Exercise and Rehabilitative Science BS (Emphases: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Exercise Science), Health Promotion BT, Health Promotion: Community Health BT, Nursing BS
Campuses: Faribault and North Mankato
Program Start Semesters: Fall and Spring
Base estimate for 60 credit program
Tuition is paid on a semester by semester basis and will vary depending on the courses and total credits you take.
Tuition and Fees: $12,317
Tools and Equipment: $ n/a
Total Estimated Cost: $12,317 *
and you'll see that tuition at 色中色 is much more affordable than other institutions.
*Based on 2024-2025 tuition and fees rates. Does not include extra expenses for online delivery, course fees, or course differential. Books, transportation, and living expenses also not included.
The course requirements listed below are specific to the current school year (noted above). If you need to view the program from previous years view our Catalog Archive.
Required Courses (14 Courses)
Complete the following courses:
BIOL100 Introduction to Biology (4 Credits)
Introduction to Biology familiarizes students with fundamental biological principles and processes occurring within our natural world. This course engages students in the methodology and practice of scientific investigation, and emphasizes molecular and cellular processes, systems of the human body, and human impact on the environment. Discussions of organisms are framed by the sciences of ecology and evolution with a focus on the relationship between biological structure and function. Lecture and a 2 hour lab are included. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC 3: Natural Sciences)
BIOL220 Human Anatomy (4 Credits)
This course takes an in-depth look at the anatomy of the human body systems. The course emphasizes structure and anatomical function at the cellular, tissue, organ and systemic level. Dysfunctions are included but the body in homeostasis is emphasized. This course includes a weekly three hour lab. Some labs include dissection. (Prerequisite: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC Goal Area 3)
BIOL230 Human Physiology (4 Credits)
This course provides an in-depth study of the functioning of most body systems, including muscle, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and endocrine systems at both the cellular and systemic level. An emphasis is placed on normal physiology, but dysfunction will also be discussed. This course contains a weekly 3 hour laboratory component. (Prerequisites: BIOL 220 with a grade of C or better and CHEM 108, CHEM 110 or CHEM 120 with a grade of C or better) (MNTC Goal Area 3)
BIOL270 Microbiology (4 Credits)
This course is an introduction to the general principles and methods used in the study of microorganisms. It includes a survey of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms emphasizing bacteria and viruses. Topics include microbial cell structure and function, metabolism, microbial genetics, and the role of microorganisms in disease, immunity and other selected applied areas. Laboratory techniques include isolating, culturing and identifying microorganisms. This course contains a three hour per week laboratory component. (Prerequisites: A grade of C or higher in BIOL115 OR BIOL225 OR BIOL220 AND CHEM108 OR CHEM110 OR CHEM 120) (MNTC Goal Area 3)
CHEM108 Introduction to Chemistry (4 Credits)
A one-semester introduction to the field of chemistry, this course is designed to allow the student to understand how chemistry relates to everyday life and to learn some of the language and concepts of chemistry related to applied health. This course uses a math-based approach. (Prerequisite: [Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher] AND [have a Next-Generation Accuplacer AAF score of 250 or higher or (Classic Accuplacer Arithmetic score of 56 or higher and Classic Accuplacer Elementary Algebra score of 76 or higher) or completion of either MATH 0085 or MATH 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher or ACT Math score of 19 or higher or MCA Math score of 1158 or higher.] (MNTC 3: Natural Sciences)
COMM130 Intercultural Communication (3 Credits)
The focus of intercultural communication is to develop and improve the knowledge needed to understand culture, communication, how culture influences communication, and the process of communication between people from different cultures or co-cultures. The course also focuses on practicing the skills needed for effective intercultural interactions. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC Goal Areas 7, 8: Human Diversity, Global Perspectives)
ENGL100 Composition (4 Credits)
Composition is concerned with developing, through theory and practice, the ability to communicate in written form for personal and professional reasons. Students will develop writing skills, analytic skills, and critical thinking skills. Students will complete readings, papers, grammar exercises, and in-class activities. Students will complete research and write a research paper. Students will learn methods of writing informatively and persuasively. (Prerequisites: Must have one of the following: (MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher) OR (READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher) OR (completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher) AND (completion of either ENGL 0090 or EAP 0095 with a grade of C [2.0] or higher) (MNTC 1: Communication)
FCS105 Nutrition and Healthy Living (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of basic principles of nutrition. Topics include contemporary issues such as food labeling, dieting practices, eating disorders, fitness, malnutrition, and nutrition throughout the life cycle. This course also focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary for the development and enhancement of a healthy lifestyle throughout the life span. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.)
MATH120 College Algebra (4 Credits)
College algebra studies functions and their applications. This course focuses on linear functions, quadratic functions, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, and related equations, inequalities, and graphs. Additional topics include inverse functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices, sequences and series, and the Binomial Theorem. MATH 120 satisfies the MNTC Category 4 Mathematical/Logical Reasoning requirement. (Prerequisites: Corequisite enrollment in MATH 0098 OR Completion of MATH 0098 OR MATH 0085 OR MATH 0095 with a grade of C or higher OR Accuplacer score of 56+ in Arithmetic and 76+ in Elementary Algebra and 50+ in College Math OR Next Gen Accuplacer score 250-300 AAF OR ACT Math score 22-36 OR MCA score 1158-1164)
MATH154 Elementary Statistics (4 Credits)
This course introduces the essential mathematical elements of statistics, applying them to a broad range of areas, including business, economics, and the physical, biological and social sciences. Topics include measures of central tendency and dispersion, variability, graphical displays, normal and t-distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, estimation, linear regression, correlation, and other selected statistical topics. Math 154 satisfies the MNTC Category 4 Mathematical/Logical Reasoning requirement. (Prerequisite: Corequisite enrollment in MATH 0099, OR Completion of MATH 0099 OR MATH 0085 OR MATH 0095 with a grade of C or higher, OR NextGen score of 250-300 QAS, OR ACT score of 19+, OR MCA score of 1148+, OR an Accuplacer test score of 56 or above in Arithmetic AND a score of 76 or above in Elementary Algebra)
PHIL100 Ethics in Society (3 Credits)
This course studies the foundations for moral beliefs and values and the part they play in practical ethical judgments. After providing a general introduction to moral concepts and theories, the course covers a wide range of social problems through an analysis of power, privilege, and justice. The class is organized by overarching themes of race, social class, gender, and global concerns and addresses issues involving criminal justice, economic inequality, gender differences, and sexuality. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC Goal Areas 7, 9)
PSYC100 Introduction to Psychology (4 Credits)
This course will introduce the broad spectrum of theories and applications that make up the field of psychology. Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, and how they are affected by physical and mental states, and external environments and social forces. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC 5: History/Social & Behavioral Sciences)
PSYC110 Lifespan Psychology (3 Credits)
This is an introductory course examining human development across the lifespan, with emphasis on normal physical, cognitive, and social development. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC 5, 7: History/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Human Diversity)
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology (3 Credits)
The world is a far more diverse place than you might think! This course is a broad survey of sociology and its practical uses for all of us. In this course, students are introduced to a variety of topics, emphasizing breadth rather than depth. After learning about the basic theories and methods of sociology, students will cover topics such as race, gender, education, religion, social class, work, family, the environment, government and politics, organizations and bureaucracy, and other topics. Students will learn about the nature of all of these areas and their effects on individuals and their broader implications for society. In the end, students will leave with a far greater understanding of how society is organized and what that means for where we have been, where we are, and where we are going as a people. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 or READ 0095 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC Goal Areas 5 & 8: History and Social Sciences, Global Perspective)
Elective Credits (8 Credits)
Chosen based on selected baccalaureate degree program. Courses should be selected in consultation with advisor/faculty. You must complete enough elective credits (8) to total 60 credits in your program.
PLEASE NOTE: All program plans are preliminary and curriculum may change without notice. Your catalog of record may have different requirements.