72 Credits DIP3138, Academic Catalog 2024-2025
Emphasis Areas available include: Agronomy, Animal Science, Diversified, Sustainable Microfarming, and Viticulture
Program emphasis areas are designed to prepare learners to sell and deliver services as employees of agribusiness firms in the crop and livestock related industries. Duties include performance of retail and office procedural tasks, preparation and implementation of marketing programs, sales and sales management, preparation of financial and business reports, delivery of products and services, and managing selected aspects of these businesses. The program includes technical agriculture courses in the areas of plant, soil, and animal science as well as agricultural industry equipment operation and maintenance. The courses in business include the subject areas of accounting, business procedures, interpersonal communication, financial/business management, marketing, selling, and computer operations. An 11 credit supervised occupational internship in an agribusiness firm is required. The A.A.S. Degree includes 15 credits of Arts and Sciences and the Diploma includes up to 6 credits of Arts and Sciences respectively.
Campus: North Mankato
Program Start Semesters: Fall and Spring
Base estimate for 72 credit program
Tuition is paid on a semester by semester basis and will vary depending on the courses and total credits you take.
Tuition and Fees: $14,781
Tools and Equipment: $ n/a
Total Estimated Cost: $14,781 *
and you'll see that tuition at 色中色 is much more affordable than other institutions.
*Based on 2024-2025 tuition and fees rates. Does not include extra expenses for online delivery, course fees, or course differential. Books, transportation, and living expenses also not included.
The course requirements listed below are specific to the current school year (noted above). If you need to view the program from previous years view our Catalog Archive.
Required Technical Courses (15 Courses)
You must complete all of the following classes:
AGBS1100 Agricultural Selling Skills (3 Credits)
This course covers the basic and advanced principles and techniques used in selling agricultural merchandise and services. Agricultural Sales has taken on increased importance in recent years. The introduction of new products and services has magnified the need for technically competent knowledgeable sales personnel. Role-playing and advanced, in-depth sales presentations will be done in class. Students will also be required to make an industry visit and write appropriate letters. (Prerequisites: None)
AGBS2015 Commercial Driver's License (1 Credit)
Students prepare for the Commercial Motor Vehicles General Knowledge (written) Test, related required Endorsements (written) Test(s), related optional Endorsements (written) Test(s), and the Pre-Trip Inspection (skills) Examination. The goal in this course is to obtain a MN Class A CDL permit. (Prerequisites: 18 years of age and a valid MN Class D driver's license).
AGBS2150 Agribusiness Financial Management (4 Credits)
This course covers major aspects of agribusiness from financial management through financial problem solving, analysis, and planning. Students will apply economic and financial concepts by creating balance sheets, income statements, cash flows, inventory controls, and budgets. Students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a computerized farm supply business simulation. Students will also develop management skills needed to be an effective agribusiness manager. (Prerequisites: AGEC 1100)
AGEC1100 Introduction to Agricultural Economics (3 Credits)
This course is an introduction to agricultural economics. Economic concepts of the food, fiber, and fuel industry will be explored though problem solving exercises and graphical analysis. Consumer and business behavior will be analyzed under various market and regulatory conditions, with major focus spent on determining changes to equilibrium of aggregate supply and demand curves. Both microeconomic and macroeconomic factors will be defined and discussed in relation to global and local agribusiness value chains, including many factors affecting farmers in the American Midwest. (Prerequisite: None)
AGEC2400 Commodity Marketing Principles (3 Credits)
This course covers the principles of agricultural commodity marketing, including cash, forward, futures, and options contracts. Economic impacts on supply, demand, and equilibrium pricing for commodities will be explored. Students will participate in simulated marketing transactions and track local and terminal market pricing. (Prerequisite: AGEC 1100)
AGEC2450 Commodity Marketing Strategies (2 Credits)
This course covers strategies of commodity marketing of agricultural products. Students will apply marketing principles in various market situations. Students will work with forward contracts, basis contracts, futures contracts, and option strategies in agriculture commodities. Students will develop market plans for agribusiness marketing and input needs. (Prerequisites: AGEC 1100, AGEC 2400)
AGEC2550 Agribusiness Transfer & Law (3 Credits)
This course covers farm estate planning and law topics with direct application to production agriculture. Topics include federal and state estate tax laws and their impact on the transfer of agriculture property. Estate planning options such as wills, life insurance and trusts will be explored. Other topics include farm partnerships and corporations, agricultural legal case studies, basic contracts, legal land descriptions, fence regulations, animal legalities, water rights, bankruptcy, gifting, and liability issues. (Prerequisite: None)
AGRI1850 Employer/Employee Relations (3 Credits)
This course covers the principles of supervision and the factors of supervision as they relate to the goals of the business. Supervision problems with practical solutions will be emphasized. Personnel management techniques including determine personnel needs, finding and recruiting people, performance appraisals, training, promotions, legal issues, stress control and terminations will be included. Students will develop an employment portfolio. (Prerequisites: None)
AGRI2700 Agricultural Technology Seminar (2 Credits)
This seminar will provide students the opportunity to self-direct studies in agricultural technology in their areas of interest. Technologies to be considered could include but, are not limited to, plant protection, precision farming, application industries, livestock equipment, bio-technologies, financial resource management, sustainable agriculture, environmental impacts of agriculture, agricultural workforce, and agricultural production. Some organized events will be part of this course. The major emphasis will be self-directed learning. (AGEC 2400 or Instructor Permission)
ANSC1100 Livestock Production Principles (3 Credits)
This course covers animal production history and economic impact, breed development, animal anatomy and physiology, animal product features, gland and hormone functions, growth and lactation physiology, environmental animal production factors, and animal research. Course will focus on disease prevention and the means required to promote productive livestock production. Some time will be spent on analyzing specific diseases, describing symptoms, and treatment. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1100 Soils I (3 Credits)
This course has a lecture and a lab component. Areas of study will include the physical properties, chemical properties, biological properties, soil formation, classification, essential nutrient and soil survey. There will be emphasis on soil and water conservation and practices that can be used to reduce soil erosion. Evaluations of soil samples will be conducted in the agribusiness lab and in the field. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1300 Agronomy I (2 Credits)
This course covers agronomy principles for midwest crops. The course covers basic components of plant growth, seed quality, plant parts, plant growth and development, plant classification, maturity systems and seeding rates. Corn and soybean production will be major crops of consideration. (Prerequisites: None)
SGAG1000 Ag Orientation (1 Credit)
Students will become oriented to the careers in agriculture related to the specific filed they plan to enter. Completion of interviews of industry professionals will be required and students will need to write a career plan relating to the path they have been oriented. (Prerequisite: None)
MEAG1500 Facility Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers...farm and residential electrical wiring. Practical 120/240 volt circuit wiring, electrical safety, device selection, installation methods, grounding, bonding and service entrance panels included. Students will be wiring circuits according to code. Plumbing processes of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and copper will be included. Another component of this class includes; OxyAcetylene welding, gas torch and/or plasma cutting and several forms of Arc welding. Students will spend time in the welding lab completing the required welds. Electrical and welding safety will be stressed. (Prerequisites: None).
MEAG1700 Agricultural Industry Machinery Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers theory and service competencies necessary to maintain small engines, gasoline-powered vehicles, and diesel-powered vehicles. Students will gain an awareness of equipment maintenance programs. The course includes field trips and instruction in maintaining equipment found in feed mills, fertilizer plants, and grain elevators. The course will also cover tillage, crop protection and planting equipment. Students will learn all component parts and proper adjustment of the particular units. Machine adjustment maybe accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples or on actual industry equipment. The course will also cover chemical, fertilizer, pesticide handling considerations. (Prerequisites: None)
Internship (11 Credits)
Complete 11 credits
AGRI2780 Agribusiness Internship (1 - 9 Credits)
This course is a cooperative educational program between the student, faculty and the internship site/business. Students will apply competencies gained from previous coursework into an agribusiness industry workplace. Specific tasks to be completed by the student and will be identified in an individual training plan developed by the student, faculty and internship supervisor. Each training plan is specific to the individual student and business enterprise where the student is employed. (Prerequisite: Instructor Permission)
Animal Science Emphasis
Choose 22 credits from the following courses:
ANSC1105 Beef Production Management (3 Credits)
This course covers topics current to the beef industry as a productive enterprise, including beef and dairy-beef feedlot and cow-calf operations. Course enrollees will concentrate on current resources available to the industry via the Internet, guest speakers and beef industry publications. (Prerequisites: None)
ANSC1200 Livestock Lab (2 Credits)
This course is designed to teach the fundamental principles of livestock genetics in a practical manner. The course deals with the physiology of reproduction and application of genetics for improvement of the livestock herd. Livestock selection materials and methods of live animal and carcass evaluation will be conducted. Subjective and objective evaluation methods and measurements will be included. (Prerequisites: None)
ANSC1205 Ruminant Animal Production (3 Credits)
Students will critically evaluate genetic, reproductive, economic and management criteria that influence profitability and sustainability of ruminants as viable agricultural animal enterprises in Minnesota, the United States and the World. This course will specifically focus on ruminant animals such as dairy, beef cattle, sheep and goats, as productive enterprises, including milk production, dairy-beef feedlot, as well as other ruminant animal production enterprises. Course enrollees will concentrate on current resources available to the industry via the Internet, guest speakers, tours and industry publications. (Prerequisites: None)
ANSC1305 Cattle Artificial Insemination (1 Credit)
This course covers a study of the techniques and equipment necessary for the artificial insemination in cattle. Principles involved in heat selection, bull selection, semen collection and storage, semen evaluation, insemination, record keeping, mating appraisal, and cleanup procedures will all be addressed in this course. (Prerequisites: None)
ANSC2100 Principles of Animal Nutrition (3 Credits)
This course provides basic information about the fundamentals of nutrition and the essential nutritional requirements of livestock. Units of instruction will include: nutrients and digestion, evaluating feedstuffs, characteristics of feedstuffs, processing techniques of various feeds, feed formulations, commercial feeds and feed additives. This course includes the discussion of the feeding practices of swine, cattle, poultry, and equine. (Prerequisites: None)
AGRI1810 Intro to Sustainable Microfarming (1 Credit)
This class is designed for individuals to enter agribusiness careers related to the growing demand by customers to purchase food produced locally. These operations tend to produce, manage, and market agricultural commodities differently than traditional agriculture models but have a tremendous potential in the new consumer marketplace. Students will be involved in all aspects of operation for a small farm to fork business model. Using a high tunnel as the form of production, this course will follow the growth process of vegetables on a local scale. Students will look at the ability to farm on a small scale, focusing on locally grown crops. They will evaluate the market for and ability to maintain production practices within a microfarming practice. (Prerequisite: None)
AGEC2450 Commodity Marketing Strategies (2 Credits)
This course covers strategies of commodity marketing of agricultural products. Students will apply marketing principles in various market situations. Students will work with forward contracts, basis contracts, futures contracts, and option strategies in agriculture commodities. Students will develop market plans for agribusiness marketing and input needs. (Prerequisites: AGEC 1100, AGEC 2400)
AGEC2650 Alternative Agriculture and Direct Marketing (3 Credits)
One of the changes taking place in agriculture is an increasing interest in the production of alternative crop and animal enterprises. This class will examine and evaluate those enterprises. A look at the profitability, marketing and risks of producing a alternative product as well as the resources and information available to assist in developing a plan to produce an alternative product. The opportunities to produce a value-added product will be studied. A close look will be taken of producers currently raising and marketing alternative agriculture products.We will also examine the current factors driving the movement towards local foods and alternative enterprises. (Prerequisites: None)
MEAG1610 Ag Equipment Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers basic harvesting, tillage and planting equipment. The student will learn all component parts and proper adjustments of equipment. Machine adjustment may be accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples, actual equipment or field trips. In the machinery operation, set-up, and reconditioning portion, the student identifies preventative maintenance, set-up and reconditioning procedures, follows the set-up and operators manual, uses a check sheet and torque chart. (Prerequisites: None)
MEAG1700 Agricultural Industry Machinery Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers theory and service competencies necessary to maintain small engines, gasoline-powered vehicles, and diesel-powered vehicles. Students will gain an awareness of equipment maintenance programs. The course includes field trips and instruction in maintaining equipment found in feed mills, fertilizer plants, and grain elevators. The course will also cover tillage, crop protection and planting equipment. Students will learn all component parts and proper adjustment of the particular units. Machine adjustment maybe accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples or on actual industry equipment. The course will also cover chemical, fertilizer, pesticide handling considerations. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1105 Forages and Pasture Management (2 Credits)
This course includes the study of the management and production of small grains and forages. Subject areas will include varietal selection, planting, calculating yields, production costs, growth management, harvesting techniques and marketing techniques. The forage management will focus on alfalfa production, emphasis on establishment, winter survival, fertilization, cutting management and variety selection. (Prerequisites: None)
SWPR1200 Swine Breeding Stock Management (3 Credits)
This course will provide a comprehensive study of the swine breeding herd. It will focus on the technical aspects of the breeding, gestation, and farrowing departments in a swine operation. Topics include the conditioning, care and management of gilts, sows and boars, breeding schedules, breeding methods, stock replacement, herd integration, replacement strategies, gestation management, Lactation management, reproductive health considerations, and care of piglets prior to weaning. (Prerequisite: None)
SWPR1300 Nursery Finish Management (3 Credits)
This course covers the requirements of the growing and finishing phases of swine to maximize production and efficiency. An overview of the technical and theoretical aspects of nursery, grower and finishing stages will be covered in this course. Production efficiency will be emphasized, as well as the humane treatment of animals. The discussion of social stress, nutritional stress and housing requirements will be included as well. The course will also cover scheduling of facilities, animal marketing, environmental considerations, animal observations and proper animal husbandry skills. (Prerequisites: None)
SWPR1500 Swine Diseases (2 Credits)
This course is a review of all common swine diseases in relation to their economic significance, symptoms, transmission, prevention, and treatment. This course will consist primarily of disease prevention and the means required to promote productive livestock production. Some time will be spent on the analyzing of specific diseases, describing symptoms and treatment. Artificial immunization and sanitation and how they can be used for specific diseases will be covered. (Prerequisites: None)
SWPR2000 Swine Records and Analysis (3 Credits)
This course covers recordkeeping systems for wide range of swine enterprises with an emphasis on interpretation, terms, and accuracy factors. Swine record use and analysis to maintain efficient productivity in all aspects of the swine enterprise is stressed. Computerized record systems are compared and students have an opportunity to utilize PigChamp or Pigcare record information, as well as other computerized records in swine production systems. Students will explain industry benchmarks and factors that impact obtaining business production goals. (Prerequisites: None)
Agronomy Emphasis
Choose 22 credits from the following courses:
AGBS2015 Commercial Driver's License (1 Credit)
Students prepare for the Commercial Motor Vehicles General Knowledge (written) Test, related required Endorsements (written) Test(s), related optional Endorsements (written) Test(s), and the Pre-Trip Inspection (skills) Examination. The goal in this course is to obtain a MN Class A CDL permit. (Prerequisites: 18 years of age and a valid MN Class D driver's license).
AGEC2450 Commodity Marketing Strategies (2 Credits)
This course covers strategies of commodity marketing of agricultural products. Students will apply marketing principles in various market situations. Students will work with forward contracts, basis contracts, futures contracts, and option strategies in agriculture commodities. Students will develop market plans for agribusiness marketing and input needs. (Prerequisites: AGEC 1100, AGEC 2400)
AGEC2650 Alternative Agriculture and Direct Marketing (3 Credits)
One of the changes taking place in agriculture is an increasing interest in the production of alternative crop and animal enterprises. This class will examine and evaluate those enterprises. A look at the profitability, marketing and risks of producing a alternative product as well as the resources and information available to assist in developing a plan to produce an alternative product. The opportunities to produce a value-added product will be studied. A close look will be taken of producers currently raising and marketing alternative agriculture products.We will also examine the current factors driving the movement towards local foods and alternative enterprises. (Prerequisites: None)
AGRI1810 Intro to Sustainable Microfarming (1 Credit)
This class is designed for individuals to enter agribusiness careers related to the growing demand by customers to purchase food produced locally. These operations tend to produce, manage, and market agricultural commodities differently than traditional agriculture models but have a tremendous potential in the new consumer marketplace. Students will be involved in all aspects of operation for a small farm to fork business model. Using a high tunnel as the form of production, this course will follow the growth process of vegetables on a local scale. Students will look at the ability to farm on a small scale, focusing on locally grown crops. They will evaluate the market for and ability to maintain production practices within a microfarming practice. (Prerequisite: None)
MEAG1610 Ag Equipment Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers basic harvesting, tillage and planting equipment. The student will learn all component parts and proper adjustments of equipment. Machine adjustment may be accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples, actual equipment or field trips. In the machinery operation, set-up, and reconditioning portion, the student identifies preventative maintenance, set-up and reconditioning procedures, follows the set-up and operators manual, uses a check sheet and torque chart. (Prerequisites: None)
MEAG1700 Agricultural Industry Machinery Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers theory and service competencies necessary to maintain small engines, gasoline-powered vehicles, and diesel-powered vehicles. Students will gain an awareness of equipment maintenance programs. The course includes field trips and instruction in maintaining equipment found in feed mills, fertilizer plants, and grain elevators. The course will also cover tillage, crop protection and planting equipment. Students will learn all component parts and proper adjustment of the particular units. Machine adjustment maybe accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples or on actual industry equipment. The course will also cover chemical, fertilizer, pesticide handling considerations. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1105 Forages and Pasture Management (2 Credits)
This course includes the study of the management and production of small grains and forages. Subject areas will include varietal selection, planting, calculating yields, production costs, growth management, harvesting techniques and marketing techniques. The forage management will focus on alfalfa production, emphasis on establishment, winter survival, fertilization, cutting management and variety selection. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1200 Soils II (3 Credits)
This course covers both the technical and practical information that should be of assistance to a student who would farm or go into the fertilizer business. The course deals with the basic soil-plant relationships and the effects of fertility. Detailed information on fertilizer materials and the information of test results will also be covered. Students will put into practice many of the cropping practices that are required by someone pursuing a career in the fertilizer and/or chemical field. Students will determine the proper rates and application methods. (Prerequisites: PLSC 1100)
PLSC1205 Precision Agriculture (3 Credits)
The course objectives include basic understanding of precision agriculture, high-tech equipment, and strategies. Students will gain an understanding of the hardware, software and management strategies of precision agriculture. Areas of study will include GIS, GPS, remote sensing, differential correction, yield monitoring, and grid mapping. Farmworks software will be incorporated into the course.
PLSC1400 Agronomy II (3 Credits)
This course considers the characteristics and identification of noxious and common weeds and weed seeds, methods of control, evaluation of herbicide performance and tolerance to herbicides. Topics on herbicide characteristics, formulations and application methods will be taken into account in determining the most economic method of weed control. (Prerequisite: PLSC 1300)
PLSC2000 Commercial Pesticide License Training (1 Credit)
This course is designed to complement other courses offered in weed, insect and disease control and pesticide application so as to help facilitate the student with skills necessary to pass the state examinations for applicator licensing and the federal examination for private applicator licensing. (Prerequisite: None)
PLSC2700 Advanced Agronomy (3 Credits)
This course includes units of instruction on management practices in the production of corn & soybeans, the economic and environmental aspects of soil damage systems, nutrient management recommendations for nitrogen and phosphorus, and current topics in the agronomy field. Classes will include speakers from the agricultural industry to address the current topics. The lab portion of the course will include grading corn and soybean samples as well on labs as plant genetics.(Prerequisites: PLSC 1300 and PLSC 1400)
Diversified Emphasis
Choose 22 credits from the following departments: AGEC, AGBS, AGRI, ANSC, MEAG, PLSC, SWPR
Sustainable Microfarming
Required Emphasis Course
AGRI1810 Intro to Sustainable Microfarming (1 Credit)
This class is designed for individuals to enter agribusiness careers related to the growing demand by customers to purchase food produced locally. These operations tend to produce, manage, and market agricultural commodities differently than traditional agriculture models but have a tremendous potential in the new consumer marketplace. Students will be involved in all aspects of operation for a small farm to fork business model. Using a high tunnel as the form of production, this course will follow the growth process of vegetables on a local scale. Students will look at the ability to farm on a small scale, focusing on locally grown crops. They will evaluate the market for and ability to maintain production practices within a microfarming practice. (Prerequisite: None)
Choose 21 credits from the following courses
AGEC2650 Alternative Agriculture and Direct Marketing (3 Credits)
One of the changes taking place in agriculture is an increasing interest in the production of alternative crop and animal enterprises. This class will examine and evaluate those enterprises. A look at the profitability, marketing and risks of producing a alternative product as well as the resources and information available to assist in developing a plan to produce an alternative product. The opportunities to produce a value-added product will be studied. A close look will be taken of producers currently raising and marketing alternative agriculture products.We will also examine the current factors driving the movement towards local foods and alternative enterprises. (Prerequisites: None)
ANSC1200 Livestock Lab (2 Credits)
This course is designed to teach the fundamental principles of livestock genetics in a practical manner. The course deals with the physiology of reproduction and application of genetics for improvement of the livestock herd. Livestock selection materials and methods of live animal and carcass evaluation will be conducted. Subjective and objective evaluation methods and measurements will be included. (Prerequisites: None)
ANSC2100 Principles of Animal Nutrition (3 Credits)
This course provides basic information about the fundamentals of nutrition and the essential nutritional requirements of livestock. Units of instruction will include: nutrients and digestion, evaluating feedstuffs, characteristics of feedstuffs, processing techniques of various feeds, feed formulations, commercial feeds and feed additives. This course includes the discussion of the feeding practices of swine, cattle, poultry, and equine. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1105 Forages and Pasture Management (2 Credits)
This course includes the study of the management and production of small grains and forages. Subject areas will include varietal selection, planting, calculating yields, production costs, growth management, harvesting techniques and marketing techniques. The forage management will focus on alfalfa production, emphasis on establishment, winter survival, fertilization, cutting management and variety selection. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC1200 Soils II (3 Credits)
This course covers both the technical and practical information that should be of assistance to a student who would farm or go into the fertilizer business. The course deals with the basic soil-plant relationships and the effects of fertility. Detailed information on fertilizer materials and the information of test results will also be covered. Students will put into practice many of the cropping practices that are required by someone pursuing a career in the fertilizer and/or chemical field. Students will determine the proper rates and application methods. (Prerequisites: PLSC 1100)
PLSC1400 Agronomy II (3 Credits)
This course considers the characteristics and identification of noxious and common weeds and weed seeds, methods of control, evaluation of herbicide performance and tolerance to herbicides. Topics on herbicide characteristics, formulations and application methods will be taken into account in determining the most economic method of weed control. (Prerequisite: PLSC 1300)
MEAG1610 Ag Equipment Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers basic harvesting, tillage and planting equipment. The student will learn all component parts and proper adjustments of equipment. Machine adjustment may be accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples, actual equipment or field trips. In the machinery operation, set-up, and reconditioning portion, the student identifies preventative maintenance, set-up and reconditioning procedures, follows the set-up and operators manual, uses a check sheet and torque chart. (Prerequisites: None)
MEAG1700 Agricultural Industry Machinery Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers theory and service competencies necessary to maintain small engines, gasoline-powered vehicles, and diesel-powered vehicles. Students will gain an awareness of equipment maintenance programs. The course includes field trips and instruction in maintaining equipment found in feed mills, fertilizer plants, and grain elevators. The course will also cover tillage, crop protection and planting equipment. Students will learn all component parts and proper adjustment of the particular units. Machine adjustment maybe accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples or on actual industry equipment. The course will also cover chemical, fertilizer, pesticide handling considerations. (Prerequisites: None)
VITI1111 Introduction to Viticulture and Vineyard (3 Credits)
This course is designed to introduce students to current practices for establishing a commercial vineyard and maintaining its health and productivity once established. Topics covered include varietal selection, site preparation, equipment, site selection, first season establishment, vine growth development and training, trellis systems, vine propagation, weed control and vine disease control. Field practicum sessions consisting of 32 hours of hands-on experience will be scheduled in area vineyards. (Prerequisites: None)
VITI1213 Regional Vineyard Management (2 Credits)
This course is a general survey of vineyard management in the general wine growing regions in the Continental United States. The course covers management of the mature vineyard from region to region and builds on the topics covered prerequisite courses. (Prerequisites: VITI 1111 and one of the following VITI 1113, VITI 1114, VITI 1115)
Viticulture Emphasis
Choose 22 credits from the following courses:
AGBS1100 Agricultural Selling Skills (3 Credits)
This course covers the basic and advanced principles and techniques used in selling agricultural merchandise and services. Agricultural Sales has taken on increased importance in recent years. The introduction of new products and services has magnified the need for technically competent knowledgeable sales personnel. Role-playing and advanced, in-depth sales presentations will be done in class. Students will also be required to make an industry visit and write appropriate letters. (Prerequisites: None)
MEAG1700 Agricultural Industry Machinery Maintenance (3 Credits)
This course covers theory and service competencies necessary to maintain small engines, gasoline-powered vehicles, and diesel-powered vehicles. Students will gain an awareness of equipment maintenance programs. The course includes field trips and instruction in maintaining equipment found in feed mills, fertilizer plants, and grain elevators. The course will also cover tillage, crop protection and planting equipment. Students will learn all component parts and proper adjustment of the particular units. Machine adjustment maybe accomplished on demonstration units, operator manual examples or on actual industry equipment. The course will also cover chemical, fertilizer, pesticide handling considerations. (Prerequisites: None)
PLSC2000 Commercial Pesticide License Training (1 Credit)
This course is designed to complement other courses offered in weed, insect and disease control and pesticide application so as to help facilitate the student with skills necessary to pass the state examinations for applicator licensing and the federal examination for private applicator licensing. (Prerequisite: None)
VITI1111 Introduction to Viticulture and Vineyard (3 Credits)
This course is designed to introduce students to current practices for establishing a commercial vineyard and maintaining its health and productivity once established. Topics covered include varietal selection, site preparation, equipment, site selection, first season establishment, vine growth development and training, trellis systems, vine propagation, weed control and vine disease control. Field practicum sessions consisting of 32 hours of hands-on experience will be scheduled in area vineyards. (Prerequisites: None)
VITI1112 Botanical Viticulture (4 Credits)
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the plant kingdom and to examine grapevine form and function from a botanical perspective. Topics to be covered include the specific characteristics of plants that distinguish them from other forms of life, divisions within the plant kingdom with representative members of each, and plant classification. Plant cells, tissues, life cycles, structures and functions, especially as applied to grapevines will also be discussed, along with various aspects of plant and grapevine physiology, such as photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, cold acclimation and hardiness, and dormancy. (Prerequisite: None)
VITI1190 Viticulture Safety (1 Credit)
This course is an introduction to the hazards and safety issues in grape-growing.This course will include an overview of general agricultural safety and health,ergonomics, personal protective equipment, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations, and other issues unique to viticulture. (Prerequisites: None)
VITI1211 Integrated Pest Management (2 Credits)
Effective grape production depends on the grower developing a system of grape management that is appropriate for each vineyard. Decisions need to be made for how to manage all of the normal cultural practices such as planting, fertility, harvesting, and pruning as well as managing the insect, disease, and weed problems that occur either regularly or sporadically. The information in this course will address management issues related to common, expected pest problems as well as the occasional appearance of minor pest problems. (Prerequisites: None)
VITI1213 Regional Vineyard Management (2 Credits)
This course is a general survey of vineyard management in the general wine growing regions in the Continental United States. The course covers management of the mature vineyard from region to region and builds on the topics covered prerequisite courses. (Prerequisites: VITI 1111 and one of the following VITI 1113, VITI 1114, VITI 1115)
VITI1293 Soils for Viticulture (3 Credits)
The course will explore soil properties and behavior and their influence on vine growth and wine grape characteristics. The course focuses not only on growth and production, but on the long-term effects of viticulture on soil quality and the wider environment. Upon completion of the course students will be able to select sites for a new vineyard, and help manage soils in existing vineyards. (Prerequisites: None)
PLEASE NOTE: All program plans are preliminary and curriculum may change without notice. Your catalog of record may have different requirements.