SCC is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities to participate in our college’s courses, programs, and activities. Disability Services is the office where students with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations. Disabilities may include mental health (anxiety, depression, PTSD), ADHD, learning disabilities, chronic health conditions (migraine, fibromyalgia), sensory disabilities, and temporary conditions (broken arm, surgery).

Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Some examples are:

  • Extra time for tests
  • Quiet place to take tests
  • Assistance with notetaking
  • Use of audio books or books that can be read aloud
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Furniture to meet physical needs

Disability Services is part of the Academic Support Center located in room E-112 in North Mankato and A-116 in Faribault.

The first step to set-up accommodations is to make an appointment. Documentation might be needed to verify eligibility for accommodations. We can discuss this when we meet. If you have any questions about this process or accommodations, please contact us at 507-389-7222 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scheduling an Appointment

We offer the options of in-person, online, and phone appointments.

Current Hours and Availability
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

To make an appointment use the links below or call 507-389-7222. If you need to make an appointment outside of these hours, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

photo of Kelly KarstadFor pregnancy, short-term leave, or to set up disability accommodations, meet with Kelly Karstad.

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photo of Trisha MoranIf you already have accommodations and need assistance with note-taking, books, or technology, meet with Trisha Moran.

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Students Currently Using Disability Services

TRIO Eligibility

Students with disabilities meet one of the criteria to be eligible for TRIO. The mission of TRIO is to increase retention, graduation, and four-year institution transfer rates of program participants. All program activities are designed to help you continue your education and increase academic success. Learn more and apply by visiting the TRIO Web page.

Disability and Accommodation Policies

Complaint / Grievance Policy #3000.11
Harassment/Nondiscrimination in Employment & Education Policy
Service Animal Guideline #6.1101.00.0001