SCC is committed to providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities to participate in our college’s courses, programs, and activities. Disability Services is the office where students with disabilities can request reasonable accommodations. Disabilities may include mental health (anxiety, depression, PTSD), ADHD, learning disabilities, chronic health conditions (migraine, fibromyalgia), sensory disabilities, and temporary conditions (broken arm, surgery).
Reasonable accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Some examples are:
- Extra time for tests
- Quiet place to take tests
- Assistance with notetaking
- Use of audio books or books that can be read aloud
- Sign language interpreters
- Furniture to meet physical needs
Disability Services is part of the Academic Support Center located in room E-112 in North Mankato and A-116 in Faribault.
The first step to set-up accommodations is to make an appointment. Documentation might be needed to verify eligibility for accommodations. We can discuss this when we meet. If you have any questions about this process or accommodations, please contact us at 507-389-7222 or
Scheduling an Appointment
We offer the options of in-person, online, and phone appointments.
Current Hours and Availability
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
To make an appointment use the links below or call 507-389-7222. If you need to make an appointment outside of these hours, please email
For pregnancy, short-term leave, or to set up disability accommodations, meet with Kelly Karstad.
If you already have accommodations and need assistance with note-taking, books, or technology, meet with Trisha Moran.
Requesting Accommodations for the First Time
To request accommodations for the first time, students must meet with Disability Services staff to discuss their accessibility concerns or barriers and provide appropriate documentation. Make an appointment using the links or phone number above.
Documentation Guidelines
We usually need a document from a doctor, therapist, or school staff stating that you have a disability. If you can send us this information before your meeting, we will read it before talking with you and get you the help you need faster. If you do not have paperwork to share with us yet, we can still meet with you and help you get the information we need.
- If you have a physical or mental health condition, we may ask for information from a medical doctor or therapist. You can give your medical professional the Verification of Disability Form to complete and return to our office.
- High school Individualized Education Programs (IEP) or 504 Plans can be shared and should include the most recent evaluation report.
- DS staff will review the evaluation report to determine if there is enough information to determine disability status at the college level. IEPs and 504 Plans are written to meet requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA), which does not apply at the college level.
Below are some questions we might ask and information we will review with you at your appointment to set up accommodations.
Questions to help us know what you need
- What disabilities have you been diagnosed with?
- Can you provide recent verification of your disability from a medical professional, therapist, or IEP? If you are unsure of what to provide, we will offer you guidance during the meeting.
- If you used accommodations during high school or at a different college, what was effective? Some examples might be testing in a private room, extended test time, note taking assistance, etc.
- What barriers or challenges are you encountering or do you anticipate encountering? What do other students have access to that you do not? In what ways have you not been able to have the same opportunity that other students have? Some examples might be unable to focus during exams due to distractions in the classroom or not being able to hear the instructor during lecture.
- What strategies/technology tools have you used? Some examples include recording lectures, taking 1 – 2 courses at a time, audio books, etc.
What you need to know about having accommodations
- Accommodations must be requested each semester through by following .
- Accommodations provide equity but cannot change course standards or outcomes
- Some accommodations require additional steps, ex: scheduling tests, requesting books, etc., instructions are in the letters.
- We want to hear from you if you have any issues with your accommodations or your needs change - you change your classes or determine that you need something different.
- Having accommodations shouldn’t change how others treat you
- We keep your information private. Your documentation is not shared outside of our office.
- Complaints can be reported through:
- Director of Academic Support or Vice President of Student Affairs.
- ³§°ä°ä’s
- U.S. Department of Education .
Students Currently Using Disability Services
Renewing Accommodations
How to Re-enroll for Accommodations Next Semester
Students must re-enroll for accommodations each semester. An appointment is not necessary.
Follow these steps.
- Log in to with your Star ID and password.
- Scroll down to Step 1: Select Class(es) and select the classes you want accommodations for.
- Click on Step 2: Continue to Customize Accommodations.
- Select which accommodations you want for each class.
Note: Alternative Testing includes all the approved test-related accommodations you qualify for. - Click the Submit Your Accommodation Request at the bottom of the page.
Once approved, Disability Services will send your accommodation letters to your instructors. You will also receive a copy. You are now re-enrolled in services!
Important: If you add, drop, or change courses or sections, log in to again to repeat this process.
Scheduling Tests
Students must log in to to request a testing appointment. *Tests must be booked 48 business hours in advance. Contact Disability Services at 507-389-7222 for assistance with late exams.
- Log into with your STAR ID and password. This will take you to your dashboard.
- Select Alternative Testing under My Accommodations on the left-hand side of the screen.
- Select your class from the drop-down box.
- Select Schedule Exam.
- Scroll down to Exam Detail and select the type of test, campus, date, time, and accommodations you would like to request for that test, add any additional notes, and then click on Add Exam Request.
You should see the "System Update is Successful" message on the next page. Once your testing appointment has been approved you'll be sent a confirmation email from us.
To Modify or Cancel Testing Appointments
- Log into with your STAR ID and password.
- Go to My Accommodations > Alternative Testing from the left sidebar menu.
- Select the desired action from Upcoming Exam Requests.
Testing Policies
- Tests must be taken on the same test date as the class unless the instructor allows otherwise. Tests for evening/Saturday classes must be arranged during ASC hours.
- Arrive on time for the scheduled appointment.
- Instructors inform the ASC what is allowed on the test.
- Personal items are not allowed in private testing rooms. Items such as cell phones, watches, computers, bags, and jackets will be placed in the designated storage area.
- Testing sessions are monitored through video cameras and may be recorded.
- If a student is caught using unauthorized material, the instructor will be notified.
- Testing in the course classroom indicates the student is forfeiting accommodations for that test.
- Abide by the Student Code of Conduct.
Requesting Books to Be Read Aloud
- Log into your account using your starID and password.
- Under My Accommodations, in the left sidebar, select Alternative Formats.
- Select the books you want.
If you have any issues or have questions, call 507-389-7222 or email
TRIO Eligibility
Students with disabilities meet one of the criteria to be eligible for TRIO. The mission of TRIO is to increase retention, graduation, and four-year institution transfer rates of program participants. All program activities are designed to help you continue your education and increase academic success. Learn more and apply by visiting the TRIO Web page.
Disability and Accommodation Policies
Complaint / Grievance Policy #3000.11
Harassment/Nondiscrimination in Employment & Education Policy
Service Animal Guideline #6.1101.00.0001