Students with disabilities who have accessibility concerns and would like to request reasonable accommodations are responsible for contacting the Academic Support Center. Prior planning is key to ensuring your accessibility concerns or disability-related barriers are addressed in a timely and appropriate manner.
Rights of the Student
- Equal opportunity to learn, work and receive reasonable accommodations, academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids and services
- Access to services that may be needed for equal access to courses, programs, services, jobs, activities, and facilities
- Be treated in the same manner as other students
- Privacy of information regarding the disability in accordance with applicable laws
- Report any grievances in a timely manner
Responsibilities of the Student
- Provide appropriate documentation to the ASC from an appropriate professional that describes the nature of the disability, how it limits participation in courses/programs, and suggested academic accommodations
- Request accommodations through the ASC prior to each semester or prior to needing the accommodations
- Notify the ASC of any changes in the registration schedule and/or needed accommodations
- Request and use approved accommodations in a responsible and timely manner
- If necessary, provide attendant care for personal needs while on campus
- Report any grievances in a timely manner
- Meet the same essential academic requirements as all other students on campus
- Follow the Student Code of Conduct
- Follow all program and SCC policies and procedures
Grievance Process
- A student who disagrees with the Disability Accommodation Coordinator’s decision regarding a request for accommodation may request a meeting with the Director of Academic Support to review the request. Most complaints can be resolved at this informal level.
- File a complaint/grievance following the SCC Complaint/Grievance Procedure 3000.11.1.
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Self-advocacy is critical to success in higher education. Colleges and universities are restricted from seeking out students with disabilities due to privacy laws. You are responsible for requesting the services you believe you need; the college or university generally does not provide accommodations unless or until you ask. The ability to advocate will benefit you in your life and career.
Here are a few suggestions for self-advocacy:
- Know yourself and your disability. Before you can advocate for yourself, you need to know how to talk about your disability in a way that other people will understand.
- Know your rights and responsibilities. Colleges and universities cannot close their doors to you solely because you have a disability. SCC must provide services that will allow you an equal opportunity to access and participate in school activities. View Disability Law for information about the College's legal responsibilities.
- Know where to go for help. A very important part of being successful in college is knowing when you need help and where to find it. Writing down the names and phone numbers of the people on campus who can help you, including staff at the Academic Support Center, is a good idea.
- Take action. Develop a plan for communicating your needs. While the ASC can assist you, developing your own communication skills may be very helpful. Consider practicing before talking with your instructors. You might practice explaining to a counselor or a trusted friend the accommodations you believe you will need.