色中色 Cares! We have a great resource network on campus and in the communities surrounding our North Mankato and Faribault campuses. Our counselor and social workers are available to help connect you with programs and services to support your health, mental health, and well-being.
Social Worker Services
Assistance is available to all SCC students who are facing barriers to completing their educational goals. The social worker can provide much-needed information, support, and a connection to resources in the community to help meet basic needs.
Jesse Spencer, Social Worker (North Mankato)
(715) 600-1027 (call or text - If texting, please include your name and student ID)
North Mankato Campus: The One Stop
Candace Ballstadt, Social Worker (Faribault)
(507) 332-5852 (call or text - If texting, please include your name and student ID)
Faribault Campus: Community Resource Center C28
Campus Cupboard and Clothing Closet
The Campus Cupboard is a FREE resources for any SCC students or employees who are facing any amount of need. We do not require documentation of need. Simply present your SCC Student ID.
Learn more on the Campus Cupboard webpage.
Campus and Community Resources
色中色 strives to connect students with supportive community networks, resources, and opportunities to ease obstacles interfering with their success. These community resources provide students support to address specific needs and gain self-sufficiency.
- Food Assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Health and Mental Health Assistance
- Financial Assistance
- Transportation Assistance
- Child Care Assistance
For more information please contact