SCC Campus Cupboard & Clothing Closet
The SCC Campus Cupboard & Clothing Closet is a FREE resource that is open to any SCC student, faculty or staff member who is facing a food shortage. We do not require documentation proving need; simply present your SCC Student ID to receive food items. No matter how great or little your need, whether it is long-term or temporary, please visit us to get what you need to be successful inside and outside of the classroom.
Campus Kitchen Project
This Nationwide, student-led initiative collects food from local restaurants and distributes it to people facing food insecurity in the Mankato area.
Campus Cupboard - Lutheran Campus Ministry-Crossroads
331 Dillon Ave, Mankato, MN 56001
Open Tuesdays from 12:00 noon – 3:00 PM during the academic year. If you have an urgent need or are not able to come on Tuesdays, please call 507-625-6779.
Community Supper
Hosted (most) Wednesday nights from 5:00-6:00 pm at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Begins in September and runs through early May. Free of charge.
Christ the King Lutheran Church
207 McConnell St, Mankato
ECHO Food Shelf
Food for residents of Blue Earth County and the city of North Mankato.
*Call or visit during business hours to set up an appointment to receive food and/or personal care items.
1014 South Front St. Mankato
Fare for All
No eligibility requirements. Save up to 40% on your monthly groceries! Packages include meats, fruit, and vegetables. Monthly pick up at New Creation World Outreach Church. Fare for All accepts cash, credit, debit, and EBT cards.
1124 N River Dr. Mankato (located at New Creation World Outreach Church)
Visit for dates, times, and food package details and pricing.
Blue Earth County:
New Creation World Outreach Church
1124 N. River Drive, Mankato
Rice County:
Church of St. Dominic
104 Linden St. N Northfield, 55057
Faribault Food Shelf
Emergency food is available up to four times per year. Recipients must live in the Morristown or Faribault School Districts to receive food.
Sustaining Food Shelf last Wednesday of each month 1pm-5:30 pm. Emergency Food Shelf: Tuesday-Thursday 1pm-3pm or by appointment.
Faribo West Mall
200 Western Ave., Faribault MN
(507) 334-2137
Farmers Markets
Mankato Farmers Market
Bring the family to the area’s largest, open-air farmers market & discover a variety of fresh local produce & planned special events. Sustainably raised meat, eggs, fruit, and vegetables & much more available.
Open early May through the end of October: Saturday 8:00 am-noon at Best Buy parking lot. Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-6:00 pm at the Food Hub in downtown Mankato.
Minnesota Grown Directory
Search for a Farmer’s Market near you.
Feeding our Communities Partners
A nonprofit organization focused on ending local hunger.
BackPack Food Program: serving over 900 area elementary students within Blue Earth County on weekends and during school breaks. Grades kindergarten to 5th grade.
Power Pack Program: 6th to 8th grade who are in need of food during after school-based activities and weekend relief.
Food for All
Food for All is a food program that is funded by the proceeds from the Neighborhood Thrift Store. Everyone is welcome to attend with no paperwork necessary. The cost is $5 cash per family and you will need to bring a basket, box or tote to carry your food. We have a group of volunteers available to help carry the food to your vehicle upon request. We purchase the food for this program locally and serve the Greater Mankato Area, keeping all of our proceeds and service local.
Food for All distribution:
Second Saturday of each month
Goodrich Construction, 1700 3rd Ave., Mankato, MN.
Distribution begins at 9:30am and you are welcome to arrive at 8:30am to line up early
Food Shelf St. Vincent DePaul
Faribault Pantry Days are regularly scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month 1:00-3:00 pm. Occasionally Pantry Days are rescheduled to the 1st and 3rd Fridays to accommodate Holy Days and holidays. Registrants are welcome to Pantry Day once each month. Registration is open on Monday, Wednesday, Friday between the hours of 9:00-11:00 and 1:00-3:00. Registrations on Pantry Day will be between 9:00-11:00.
Produce days are from 1:00-3:00 every Monday, Wednesday, and on the 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday of each month.
Free Store: Clothing, shoes, bedding, blankets, kitchenware, and miscellaneous household items are available from 9:00-11:00 every Monday, Wednesday, & 1st, 3rd, & 5th Friday of each month. (The Free Store is not open on Pantry Days.)
617 3rd Avenue NW, Faribault, MN 55021
Free or Reduced School Meals- District 77
Meals are available at a reduced price or free to students whose families meet the income guidelines. Contact the Food Service Department office at (507) 388-7442, or your school office for an application. Your information is confidential, and students who receive the benefits are not identified in any way. You may apply at any time during the school year.
507-388-7442 (office)
Food Services Department
Darcy Stueber, Director
PO Box 8741, Mankato, Minnesota 56002-8741
Free or Reduced School Meals - District 656, Faribault Public Schools
You could help your child’s school receive additional educational funds and discounts AND receive nutritious school meals for your children free or at a reduced price! Applications for these benefits, which are mailed to all households during the month of August, are required to be completed each school year in order for your children to qualify for any benefits.
507-333-6772, ask for Sue Gertonson
Holy Grounds
Free Hot Breakfast Monday-Friday, 9am-11am.
Showers and personal care items are also available.
Late October through the end of March.
Centenary United Methodist Church
501 South Second Street Mankato
(507) 225-6370
Mobile Outreach Meals (MOMS) Program – Salvation Army
Meals are available, free of charge, for children and for a low-cost of $4.25 for adults. Meals are provided on a first-come, first-served basis at the following sites. The 2019 summer dates/time, and locations are as follows:
Red Cross: 10:45am – 11:10am. 105 Homestead Rd., Mankato
Eastport Apartments: 11:25 am – 11:50am. 1001 Eastport Rd., Mankato
Southhaven Mobile Home Park: 12:05pm – 12:30pm. 1125 Southhaven Dr., Mankato
Eastwood Manor Mobile Home Park: 12:45pm – 1:10pm. 2301 Hoffman Rd., Mankato
Maple River Loaves and Fishes
Providing access to nutritional food and personal care items to all who are in need. Partnering with Second Harvest Heartland to eliminate the "missing meals" in Blue Earth County. No one will be turned away. Serving the Maple River communities of Good Thunder, Amboy, Mapleton, and Beauford.
Hours of operation: Tuesdays 3 pm - 6 pm and Saturdays 10 am to Noon.
104 Central Ave N PO Box 227, Mapleton, Minnesota 56065
Northfield Community Action Center Food Shelf & Clothing Closet
Open to anyone who lives in the Northfield School District and is registered to receive services from the Community Action Center.
Clothing Closet Hours: Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Thursday until 7 p.m.)
1651 Jefferson Parkway, Suite HS-200, Northfield MN 55057
Food Shelf Hours:
Monday, Thursday, Friday 11am -5pm
Tuesday 12pm -7pm
Partners for Affordable Housing Free Store
The Free store provides furniture and household items to families in need. (Students must meet with SCC Social Work staff to access this service.)
Salvation Army's Noon Meal Program
Free noon meal served 7 days a week from 12pm-1pm at the downtown Salvation Army building. All are welcome, no one goes away hungry!
700 S Riverfront Drive, Mankato
SNAP Outreach
Provides SNAP enrollment assistance and information about the food support program. Provided by Second Harvest Heartland and University of Minnesota Extension.
Second Harvest SNAP Outreach Specialist:
Tina England: 507-514-3535
Kate Abram: 651-209-7910
MN Extension SNAP-Educator
Rachel Jones: 507-304-4141
S.S. Boutique
Gently used clothing and home goods available at no cost to those in need.
1415 1st Ave. Suite 490, Mankato
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Women can apply for assistance while pregnant, for their newborn or their children up to age 5.
Nicollet County:
Health and Human Services Building
622 S Front Street, St. Peter
Also provides WIC services 2070 Howard Drive, North Mankato every Tuesday of the month. The WIC office is closed on Fridays.
Blue Earth County:
410 S. 5th St., Mankato
Rice County:
Public Health Department
320 Third Street NW, Faribault