
Photo of swine manager in protective clothing near pigs entering data on a tablet

Developed in coordination with the National Pork Board and other ag industry leaders, the Professional Swine Manager certificate program provides the skills and knowledge needed as a swine production technician or manager. With a focus on producing modern food products in the safest, most humane and environmentally sound manner as possible, you will be prepared for success in the swine industry.

Campus: North Mankato
Program Start Dates: Fall and Spring Semesters
For More Information: (507) 389-7200 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Awards / Degrees

Agriculture Programs

The business of agriculture provides a wide variety of career opportunities due to the increasing complexity of the domestic and international market needs. The ever-developing logistical, commercial, and technological innovation in the industry provide incredible opportunity for highly-skilled jobs in agriculture.

More than $500,000 in scholarships awarded annually by the SCC Campus Foundation