33 Credits DIP3522/DIP2517, Academic Catalog 2024-2025
The Early Childhood Education Diploma is designed to prepare individuals for work in a child care center or preschool as an assistant or early childhood teacher or in a family child care program. Students will learn about child growth and development, positive guidance, health and safety, cultural sensitivity, learning environments, and best practices for promoting learning for young children.
Campuses: Faribault and North Mankato
Program Start Semester: Fall
Base estimate for 33 credit program
Tuition is paid on a semester by semester basis and will vary depending on the courses and total credits you take.
Tuition and Fees: $6,775
Tools and Equipment: $ n/a
Total Estimated Cost: $6,775 *
and you'll see that tuition at 色中色 is much more affordable than other institutions.
*Based on 2024-2025 tuition and fees rates. Does not include extra expenses for online delivery, course fees, or course differential. Books, transportation, and living expenses also not included.
The course requirements listed below are specific to the current school year (noted above). If you need to view the program from previous years view our Catalog Archive.
Required Technical Courses (9 Courses)
Complete the following courses:
ECE1205 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the early childhood field, including theories, philosophies, missions, and regulations. It examines the roles and responsibilities of professionals in a variety of career settings. (Prerequisite: None)
ECE1210 Child Growth and Development (3 Credits)
This course is the first in a series of courses that is required for a degree in Early Childhood Education and Family Services. This course encompasses multiple, interrelated areas of children's development - including both typical and atypical, for children from conception through age eight in the areas of physical, social, emotional, language, cognitive and aesthetic/creative development and is supported by coherent theoretical perspectives and by current research. The course emphasizes variations across cultures and interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. (Prerequisite: None)
ECE1220 Health, Wellness & Nutrition (3 Credits)
This course will guide the student in obtaining skills needed to establish and maintain a physically and psychologically safe and healthy learning environment for young children. Topics include preventing illness and accidents, handling emergencies, providing health, safety, and nutrition educational experiences, meeting children's basic nutritional needs, child abuse and, current health-related issues. This course does NOT include CPR or first aid certification. (Prerequisites: None)
ECE1230 Behavior Guidance (3 Credits)
This course encompasses multiple, interrelated areas of positive child guidance techniques for individual and group situations - including problem prevention and positive guidance strategies, communication, setting limits, problem solving and behavior modification and is supported by coherent theoretical perspectives and by current research. This course emphasizes ways to establish supportive relationships with children and guide them in order to enhance learning, development, and well-being. (Prerequisite: None)
ECE1240 Diverse Children and Family Relations (3 Credits)
This course examines how to work with many types of families. Investigates the importance of the family/school partnership, study methods of effectively communicating with families, and identify community organizations and networks that support families. Various classroom strategies will be explored emphasizing culturally and linguistically appropriate anti-bias approaches supporting all children in becoming competent members of a diverse society. (Prerequisites: None)
ECE1270 Creative Activities and Environments (3 Credits)
The student will gain knowledge and skills related to providing age-appropriate learning experiences and learning environments for young children. The student will examine the role of the teacher in providing learning experiences to meet each child's needs, capabilities, and interest, and ways to implement the principles of developmentally appropriate practices. The student will practice language and literacy, social, emotional and sensory learning, art and creativity, and math and science learning experiences. (Prerequisite: None)
ECE1310 Infant-Toddler Development and Learning (3 Credits)
This course will examine infant and toddler development as it applies to early childhood educational settings. Students will integrate strategies that support diversity and anti-bias perspectives, analyze development, correlate prenatal conditions with development, summarize child development theories, analyze the role of heredity and the environment, examine research-based curriculum models, and examine culturally and developmentally appropriate environments for infants and toddlers. (Prerequisite: CDEV 1210)
ECE1311 Infant-Toddler Development and Mental Health (3 Credits)
This course provides an overview of infant-toddler theory and development whether in home or center-based settings. Students will gain knowledge of developmental needs, developmentally appropriate environments, effective caregiving, teaching strategies, and observation methods. (Prerequisite: ECE 1210)
ECE2580 Observation and Assessment (3 Credits)
This course focuses on the appropriate use of observation and assessment strategies to document children's development, growth, play and learning, and to join with families and professionals in promoting children's success. The students will explore recording strategies, rating systems, multiple assessment tools, and portfolios. There will be a focus on increasing objectivity in observing and interpreting children's behavior, observing development characteristics, and increasing the awareness of normal patterns of behavior. (Prerequisites: ECE 1210 and ECE 1230.)
ECE2590 Introduction to Children's Mental Health (3 Credits)
This course provides a deeper look at social-emotional learning experiences and the long-term effects of positive experiences. Students integrate knowledge of healthy child development, developmentally appropriate learning environments and trauma-informed teaching methods to promote positive emotional development, social development, self-concept, self-esteem, social skills, diversity awareness, resiliency, and attachment. (Prerequisite: ECE 1210 and ECE 1230)
Required Arts and Sciences (6 Credits)
Students must complete 6 MnTC credits from courses in MnTC goal areas 1-10. Courses must be selected consultation with advisor/faculty.
PLEASE NOTE: All program plans are preliminary and curriculum may change without notice. Your catalog of record may have different requirements.