16 Credits CERT3481, Academic Catalog 2024-2025
The Geographic Information System certificate focuses on extended learning of GIS applications within the civil engineering environment. Students in this certificate program will acquire skills required by hiring agencies, which includes collection, management and analysis of spatial data, creation of maps, as well as GIS data development and management for web applications.
Campus: North Mankato
Program Start Date: Fall Semester
Base estimate for 16 credit program
Tuition is paid on a semester by semester basis and will vary depending on the courses and total credits you take.
Tuition and Fees: $3,285
Tools and Equipment: $ n/a
Total Estimated Cost: $3,285 *
and you'll see that tuition at 色中色 is much more affordable than other institutions.
*Based on 2024-2025 tuition and fees rates. Does not include extra expenses for online delivery, course fees, or course differential. Books, transportation, and living expenses also not included.
The course requirements listed below are specific to the current school year (noted above). If you need to view the program from previous years view our Catalog Archive.
Required Technical Courses (3 Courses )
Complete the following courses:
GIS 2840 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (4 Credits)
This course covers the theory and use of computer software for the collection, analysis, and communication of geographic information. This course will use ArcGIS software, which was developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) as a tool to create, manage and manipulate spatial data within a GIS. (Prerequisite: None)
GIS 2841 Intermediate GIS (4 Credits)
This course is a continuation of CTLS 2840 Introduction to Geographic Information systems, with emphasis placed on continued learning of the manipulation, and management of spatial data, and understanding of relationships between features and database attributes. In addition, this course will cover the development of web mapping components that can be used to communicate information to those who need access to spatial data via the internet. The primary software used in this course will be (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.) ESRI ArcGIS Software and extensions. (Prerequisite: GIS 2840)
GIS 2842 Field Mapping with GPS (4 Credits)
This course covers the strategies of using mapping grade and survey grade GPS equipment and software to electronically collect spatial features for use in the development of GIS and CAD projects. (Prerequisite: GIS 2840 or consent of the Instructor)
Elective Credits - Choose 4 credits from the following: (4 Credits )
GIS 2843 GIS Practicum (1 - 4 Credits)
This variable credit course expands upon the knowledge students gained in previous geospatial technology courses and serves to hone their GIS skills. Students will have the opportunity to design, develop, and implement a GIS-based solution in response to a defined problem and present their results. (Prerequisite: GIS 2841 or instructor consent)
GIS 2844 GIS Internship (1 - 4 Credits)
This variable credit course is one of the capstones of the GIS certificate program, where upon the students are provided a real world working atmosphere with area partners, such as state, county, and local governments, and consulting agencies. Students in this course work on assignments as requested by the governing agency and will be directed by the course instructor. (Prerequisite: GIS 2841 or consent of the Instructor)
GEOG100 Elements of Geography (3 Credits)
The course will answer the question "What is Geography?" Therefore, this course provides students with an introduction to the basic themes of geography. The scope and nature of geographic inquiry is used to explore topics about the physical and human characteristics of the Earth's surface. Special emphasis is placed on the significance of humans, environment, and cultural processes in the organization of space on the earth's surface. Natural and cultural landscapes are very important components of this course and students will examine physiographic regions, climates, demography, and urban areas. Also, different environmental issues will be discussed. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC 5, 8: History/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Global Perspective)
GEOG101 Introduction to Physical Geography (3 Credits)
This course is an introduction to physical geography that systematically examines the spatial patterns and interrelationships among physical elements at the earth's surface. Students will study the earth's physical environment, its systems, and the physical processes that drive them through study of weather, climate, natural vegetation, soil, and landforms. However, these topics are not just discussed independently since the course concentrates on understanding the integration of these areas of the natural world. Geography focuses on human activities, and so the course will highlight some of the basic interactions between human activity and the natural environment. Current issues will be discussed and a scientific foundation provided for understanding global warming and other critical environmental issues. (Prerequisites: Must have a Next-Generation Accuplacer Reading score of 250 or higher, or Classic Accuplacer Reading score of 78 or higher, or completion of either READ 0090 or EAP 0090 with a grade of C (2.0) or higher, or ACT Reading score of 21 or higher or MCA Reading score of 1047 or higher.) (MNTC 3, 10: Natural Sciences, People & the Environment)
PLEASE NOTE: All program plans are preliminary and curriculum may change without notice. Your catalog of record may have different requirements.