
In the case of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, even one incident is one too many, so it is essential we all work together to raise awareness and support one another.

Awareness and Prevention Training

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month! 

色中色 students and employees are joining together to raise awareness of sexual assaults. Throughout April, there will be presentations, workshops, tabling and a poster campaign to help promote campus and community events all focusing on sexual assault awareness and safety.

Join us on April 15 for a series of presentations by experts from 色中色 and Committee Against Domestic Abuse (CADA). All presentations will take place in Conference Center B. Presentations are as follows:

9 - 10 a.m.  The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault - Porter Arch
This presentation will offer participants and insight into how the human brain processes the trauma of sexual violence. We will explore the research of Dr. Jim Hopper, professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School, in order to develop a better understanding of the impact of sexual violence as well as how to better support survivors based on the emerging science of neurobiology.

10 - 11 a.m.  Bystander Intervention - Kelsey Rode
Sexual violence is a community health problem that requires a community response! Join us to learn how to recognize warning signs that someone might be in danger of being sexually assaulted and several effective ways to safely intervene when a troubling situation arises. There will be opportunities to assess your current comfort level with intervening, specific barrier to intervention, and safety tips so you can safely help each other. Don’t be a passive bystander – We are all responsible for each other’s well-being!  

11 a.m. - 12 p.m.  Consent - Alex Hanley
In the healthy sexuality model, “consent” is defined as an enthusiastic and freely given affirmation. In this discussion we will dig deeper into the social and legal definitions of consent, learn how individuals can develop and maintain healthy sexual attitudes, and explore how we can erase social norms that support gender-base violence and replace these norms with a Consent Culture.