
Today, South Central released its official list of graduates for the 2023-24 academic year. For students who completed their awards and degrees in the Fall 2023 Semester ending in December 2023, their final graduation eligibility has been confirmed. For students completing their awards and degrees in the Spring 2024 or Summer 2024 Semesters, final graduation eligibility will be confirmed following an auditing process of their final semester grades.

Chloe Aanenson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Danielle Abbe, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Yasir Abdi, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall) and Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Abdimutalib Abdullahi, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Ismail Abdulle, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Abbajefar Abdurahman, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Bamlak Abera, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Adalee Abraham, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Yemima Abraham, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Abdulaziz Adam, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Mitchell Ades, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Adebayo Adewunmi, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Alexandra Adewunmi, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
John Aho, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Sara Allison, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
evon Almich, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Sarah Alotaibi, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
avin Alt, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Elyana Alvarez, Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Veronica Alvarez, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall)
Mercyline Anchinga, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Braxton Anderson, Intermediate Mechatronics Engineering Technology Diploma (Fall)
Carter Anderson, Economics Transfer Pathway Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Emilee Anderson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Judd Anderson, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Samuel Anderson, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Chance Andrews, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
elilah Angeles, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree  and Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Chandler Apling, Accountant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Katelyn Arndt, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Cleo Atkins, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Fall)
Kallie Aust, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Griselda Avalos, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Ana Avila, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Christian Bach, Marketing Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Alexis Barber, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Mohammed Barento, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Yamileth Barrera, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
Macy Barrington, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Gavin Barton, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Namita Basnet, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Alex Bass, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Keely Bauer, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Mackenzie Bauer, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Trent Bauer, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Owen Beardsley, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Brooke Behsman, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Ty Below, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Samuel Bennett, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Hannah Benning, Early Childhood Education Diploma (Fall)
Joshua Benson, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
Payton Benson, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Brandon Beranek, Agribusiness Service Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Joel Bice, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Peyton Bills, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
enis Birgen, Auto Body and Collision Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jenna Birr, Agribusiness Service Technician Diploma (Spring)
Kylan Bjorkquist, Multimedia Technology Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Thomas Blair, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Liam Blanchette, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Brian Blank, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Autumn Bleess, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Robyn Block, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Carter Boehler, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Connor Bohlen, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Maci Bongers, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Morgan Borchert, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Alexis Bottke, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Tyler Boutin, Computer Assistant Certificate (Fall)
Brandon Boyum, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Taylor Breimhorst, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Kyle Briesemeister, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Cheyenne Brown, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Lindsey Brown, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Alicia Brunson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Andon Bruss, Welding Certificate (Fall) and Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Matthew Buchanan, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Connor Buchele, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Luke Bunde, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Nicholas Busch, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jaedyn Bussewitz, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Taylor Byro, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Kasidy Cacka, Practical Nursing Diploma (Fall)
Brittany Calhoun, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
anielle Carlier, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Melissa Carlson, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jonathan Caron, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning / Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Fall)
Wilmer Carrasco, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Nnedimma Chibuzor, Practical Nursing Diploma (Summer)
Eric Christianson, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Charan Chuol, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Shawnalee Clarke, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Trever Clarke, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Kanesha Clifton, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Katee Clough, Agribusiness Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Sustainable Microfarming Certificate (Fall)
Abigail Cloutier, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Alivia Coates, Biology Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
James Cochran, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Morgan Cohenour, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Cecilia Collins, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Brittany Comnick, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and  Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Samantha Condon, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Hunter Conrad, Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Alexandra Cory, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Elizabeth Crandall, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
John Cuzzo, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Abdinasir Dahir, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Eman Dahir, Medical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Samuel Dahl, Welding Certificate (Spring)
ylan Daily, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/RefrigerationAdvanced Diploma (Summer)
Victoria Dammann, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
avid Daniel, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Logan Daniels, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
Jonathan Daschner, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Spring)
Randilee Dauk, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Brittany Davis, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Marcos De Leon Lopez, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Emily Dean, Professional Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Hunter DeJong-Caron, Professional Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Citlali Delacruz, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Megan Delgado, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
William Dempster, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Advanced Agriculture Technician Certificate  (Spring)
Raini Denny-Broker, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Luke Desmarais, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Summer)
Mathew Dettling, Welding Certificate (Spring)
John Deutsch, Information Systems Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Felipe Diaz Nunez, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Emma Dienst, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Arlene Dietl, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Julia Dixon, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Ann Dodge, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree and Multimedia Technology Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Toriinlee Dokken, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Matthew Dolven, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Ethan Domeier, Automotive Service Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Renee Doud, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
ylan Doyen, Agribusiness Production Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Professional Swine Manager Certificate (Spring)
Cassandra Doyle, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Elijah Drummer, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Blake Duncan, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
Emily Easton, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Seth Eaton, Welding Certificate (Fall) and Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Riley Ehmer, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Evander Ell, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Amy Ellickson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Elizabeth Elliott, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Tina Elliott, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
George Emmanuel-Lieder, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Brianna Enriquez, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Lauren Erickson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Payton Erickson, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration  Advanced Diploma (Fall)
Hannah Erkkila, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kaden Ernst, Agribusiness Production Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Brielle Ernsting, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Ikzela Estrada, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
avid Evans, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Jessica Evans, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Michael Evans, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Jeffrey Everest, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Landen Fahey, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Adrian Farias, Auto Body and Collision Technology Diploma (Spring)
Enrique Figueroa, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Juan Figueroa, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Michelle Fineran, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Brittney Finger, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jenna Fischer, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
MacKenna Fischer, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Marion Fischer, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Marcus Fjeld, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Hunter Flanigan, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jane Flintrop, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Shannon Foley, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Charles Franklin, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Nicholas Freitag, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Cael Friesen, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Matthew Friesen, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Andrew Fuhrmann, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Jocelyn Funez Molina, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Pierre Gagnon, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Fall)
Jesus Galdamez Robles, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Joshua Gappa, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Ifrah Garad, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall) and Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Mario Garcia, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Sofhia Garcia, Phlebotomy Certificate (Spring)
Makenna Gatzke, Agribusiness Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring), Agribusiness Production Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Jaida Gehring, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
Melissa Gens, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Angeline Gessner, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Jeremy Gilbertson, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Fall)
Ariel Glover, Agribusiness Associate of Applied Science Degree and Professional Swine Manager Certificate (Spring)
Johan Gomez Mortera, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Priscila Gonzales, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall)
Gloria Gonzalez Reyes, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Maegan Good, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Nathan Good, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Tyler Grobner, Auto Body and Collision Technology Diploma (Spring)
Jeanne Groothuis, Early Childhood Education Diploma (Spring)
Crystal Guerra, Administrative Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Iris Guerrero Avila, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Amber Haack, Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Justin Habiger, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
arrell Hadley, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Amber Hagen, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Breanna Hagen, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Brian Hahn, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Brian Hahn, Geographic Information Systems Certificate (Fall)
Alexander Hale, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Fall)
Madison Hale, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Matthew Haley, Auto Body and Collision Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Ella Halpern, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Richard Hambrick, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Caden Hames, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jimmy Hamilton, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Elizabeth Hammon, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Jesse Hampton, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
enae Hamre, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Riley Haning, Automotive Service Diploma (Spring)
Rhys Hanson, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Ryan Harazin, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Michael Harker, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Courtney Harmdierks, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall) and Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Benjamin Harpestad, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
elvac Harrison, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Kirk Harrison, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Raisa Hashi, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Mohamed Hassan, Automotive Service Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Landon Hatfield, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Alexis Hayden, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Makayla Hedberg, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Tyler Heintz, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Nicole Helget, Computer Assistant Certificate (Fall)
Julie Hellendrung, Administrative Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Adam Henze, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Zachary Hermanson, Farm Production, Management and Operations Diploma (Spring),  Ag Chemical Applicator Certificate (Spring), Agronomy Certificate (Spring) and Sustainable Microfarming Certificate (Spring)
Andres Herrera, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
West Higgins Murphy, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Fall)
Kierra Highby, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Quincy Hill, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Ryan Hoffman, Machine Tool Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Seth Hoffmann, Welding Certificate (Fall)
James Hoisington, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Caiden Holien, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Fall)
Hailey Hoppe, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Bruce Hougo, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Britt Howard, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jacob Howard, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Krista Hromadko, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Claire Hruby, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Aaron Huerta, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Samantha Huinker, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Carter Huppert, Marketing Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Brian Husnick, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Abdiwaasa Hussein, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Mohamed Hussein, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Ayden Hutchens, Agribusiness Service Technician Diploma (Spring)
Myranda Hutchinson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Asha Ibrahim, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Roberto Iriarte Padilla, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Tessa Iverson, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Hunter Jackson, HVAC Refrigeration Certificate (Fall)
BreAnn Jacobson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Elias Jacobusse, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Assie Jallow, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Kylie Jaqua, Medical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Michael Jaros, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Brandon Jensen, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Matthew Jensen, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Judy Jepchumba, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Sarah Jepkirui, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Laura Jewison, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
aniel Jirik, Intermediate Mechatronics Engineering Technology Diploma (Fall) and Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Caleb Johnson, Intermediate Mechatronics Engineering Technology Diploma (Fall) and Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Janessa Johnson, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall)
Melanie Johnson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Nathan Johnson, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Robert Johnson, Auto Body and Collision Technology Diploma (Fall)
Joshua Jones, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Rita Jones, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Tibeb Jotie, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Olivia Kagermeier, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Sevin Kane, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Bryant Karstens, Automotive Service Diploma (Summer)
Kelli Karstens, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Landon Karstens, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Katlyn Katra, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Skylynn McKayla Kauser, Medical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Kyle Kehoe, Accounting Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Shayla Kelley, Automotive Service Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Erin Kelly, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Kendrick Kelly, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Ibraheem Khalifa, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Fatemah Khaliif, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Caleb Kimmes, Farm Production, Management and Operations Diploma (Spring)
Norma Kirkman, Phlebotomy Certificate (Fall)
Ryan Klatt, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Phlebotomy Certificate (Spring)
Evan Klein, Architectural Drafting and Design Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Andrez Knapper-Wiese, Multimedia Technology Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Ava Koens, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Samuel Koivisto, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Kanthphavie Kol, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
April Kolb, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Konnor Korbitz, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Ryder Kos, Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring)
Gretchen Krahn, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Zachary Kramer, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Advanced Diploma (Fall)
Gavin Krantz, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Ashlyn Kranz, Architectural Drafting and Design Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
ylan Krueger, Agriculture and Diesel Service Technician Diploma (Spring)
Jessica Krzmarzick, Administrative Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Kendra Kundert, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Michaela Laffin, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Nathan Lang, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Joseph Langemeier, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Alicia Lankford, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Brian Larsen, Agribusiness Service and Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Justene Larsen, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kassidy Larsen, Practical Nursing Diploma (Fall)
Ellie Lawrence, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Angelina Lee, Architectural Drafting and Design Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Rya Lehan, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Chloe Leif, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Rileigh Lemke, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Jolene Levi, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Courtney Lewis, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Marissa Lewis, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Keagen Lines, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Michael Llona, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Hannah Localio, Multimedia Technology Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Megan Loechler, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kendahl Loeffler, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Grace Loffler, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Gatwech Lony, Automotive Service Diploma (Spring)
Kimberlee Luiken, Administrative Office Specialist - Business Software Certificate (Spring) and Administrative Office Specialist - Client Relations Certificate (Spring)
Zachary Lundstrom, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Christian Luthe, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)

Charity Mabera, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Erika Macedo, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Jordyn Macias, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Bailie MacIntosh, Administrative Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Administrative Office Specialist - Business Software Certificate (Spring)
Chase Magaard, Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
McKinley Maker, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Tylar Malakowsky, Agribusiness Service Technician Diploma (Spring)
Charles Malecha, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
McKayla Malvin, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
McKenna Malvin, Practical Nursing Diploma (Fall)
Brice Mantel, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Grant Manwarren, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Johnnie Maples, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Brittany Marcucci, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Priscilla Martinez, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Luis Martinez-Mendoza, Manufacturing Production Technology Certificate (Spring)
Amy Marx, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Adelynn Mason, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Riley Mason, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
erick Masongo, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Savannah Mattson, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Savannah Mattson, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall)
Greg Maurstad, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Jack Maxa, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Geographic Information Systems Certificate (Spring)
Tiffany Maxa, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Abdullahi Mayow, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
Jennifer McCabe, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Keegan McCullough, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Kortney Mckenna, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Thomas McLeod, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Muhammad McMahon, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Judah McNeilly, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
aniel Medina, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Emeri Meger, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Matthew Meier, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Hailey Meinert, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Elizabeth Mensing, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
McKayla Meuangsaksith, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Nicole Meyers, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Collin Midland, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Brandon Miller, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring
ana Miller, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall) and Professional Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Isabel Miller, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Ryan Miller, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Mohamed Moalim, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Esha Mohamed, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Sabir Mohamed, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Sabrina Mohamed, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Rabab Mohammed, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Bonareri Moindi, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Keisha Moniz-Donald, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Kevin Moore, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Chenille Morales, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Grace Moseng, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Aimee Mousel, Intermediate Mechatronics Engineering Technology Diploma (Fall) and Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Hibo Mowlid, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Abigail Mueller, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Joseph Mueller, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Elizabeth Muellner, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Samiya Muhumed, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Egan Muklebust, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Ashley Murphy, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Matthew Murphy, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Ashely Mussehl, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Health Unit Coordinator Certificate (Spring)
Jessica Myrick, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Karrar Najafi, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Brady Narjes, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kaitlyn Navara, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Xochilt Navejas, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Ava Nee, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Diploma (Spring)
Jordan Nehring, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Carridy Nelson, Accountant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Lucas Nelson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Madeline Nelson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Gabrielle Nesseth, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Jadyn Nessett, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Kamalie Nieves, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
Suleiman Noor, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
Brecken Northquest, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Jessica Nusser, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Chase Oachs, Accounting Assistant Diploma (Spring)
Henry Oindo, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Jackline Okemwa, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Keaton Okerman, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Geographic Information Systems Certificate (Spring)
Eniola Olayanju, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Paige Olinger, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
aniel Olson, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Erin Olson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Faith Olson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and  Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Max Olson, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Samuel Olson, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Cody Olstad, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Abdirizak Omar, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
aniel Omare, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Ngozi Onyeagba, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Joshua Opatrny, Intermediate Mechatronics Engineering Technology Diploma (Fall) and Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Ella Oraskovich, Accounting Assistant Diploma (Spring)
Susana Orellana, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Gabriella Ortiz, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Ahmed Oyow, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Amino Oyow, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Asha Oyow, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Colton Page, Phlebotomy Certificate (Spring)
Marlo Paschke, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Izak Patterson, Information Systems Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring)
Nathan Pauly, Machine Tool Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Elijah Peck, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Anthony Perez, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Jennifer Perez Ambrocio, Admininstrative Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Nessa Peters, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Izaiah Peterson, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Kevin Peterson, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Lydia Peterson, Marketing Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Olivia Pfeffer, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall)
Madelyn Phillips, Auto Body and Collision Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Andrew Pinske, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Charles Pishney, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Melissa Ponce, Manufacturing Production Technology Certificate (Fall) and Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Spring)
Ella Potocnik, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kieran Pounds, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Wendy Prantner, Information Systems Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring), Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring) and Web Programmer Certificate (Spring)
Markell Pratt, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jacob Price, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Kortney Prior, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Hailey Prokopec, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
ylan Pudil, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Luis Puente, Auto Body and Collision Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Ayden Qualey, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Makayla Quigley, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Casey Raddatz, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Jay Ragalie, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
ylan Ralls, Automotive Service Diploma (Spring)
Alejandro Ramirez, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
aniela Ramirez, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Esther Ramirez, Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Natalie Rautio, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Owen Reid, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Jasmine Rettig, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Hailey Reuvers, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Madison Reuvers, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Alexander Rhodes, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
Grace Rich, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Christopher Richter, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kathleen Richtsmeier, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Elisha Riehm-Stookey, Phlebotomy Certificate (Fall)
Spencer Rieke, Networking Services Diploma (Fall)
Victoria Robinson, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jazmin Robles, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Ronaldo Rodela Rodriguez, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring
Jennifer Rodriguez, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Summer)
Joel Rodriguez, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Felix Rodriguez, Manufacturing Production Technology Certificate (Fall) and Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Spring)
Michelle Roe, Administrative Office Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall), Administrative Office Specialist - Business Software Certificate (Fall) and Administrative Office Specialist - Client Relations Certificate (Fall)
Colten Roiger, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Allan Rono, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Chucknoriss Ronoh, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Grace Roque, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Zachary Rose, Computer Assistant Certificate (Fall)
Kendall Rotchadl, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Sean Roulo, Intermediate Mechatronics Engineering Technology Diploma (Fall)
Jesus Ruiz, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Galo Ruiz Buccio, Machine Tool Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Chancelor Russell, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Kaden Ryer, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Wyatt Saemrow, Agribusiness Production Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Emily Salawu, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Jamie Sames, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Andrew Sanden, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jessica Schaefer, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Owen Schaffer, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Reagan Schallau, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Melissa Scharpe, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Alec Scherer, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring), Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring) and Network Administration Certificate (Spring)
Hank Schleuter, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Betsy Schmitz, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring) and Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Kathryn Schmitz, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Julia Schneller, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Summer)
Zack Scholten, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Alice Schroeder, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Kortney Schroeder, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Kathryn Schroepfer, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Trysta Schuler, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jasmine Schultz, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Gage Schultz-Phalin, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Eric Schwamberger, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring)
Aerin Schwandt, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Kayla Seppelt, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Brody Serbus, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Geographic Information Systems Certificate (Spring)
erek Serbus, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Gary Shappell, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Foundation Diploma (Fall)
Tyler Shea, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Taber Sheldrup, Agriculture Science and Technology Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Hannah Shumski, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Stephanie Siegfried, Information Systems Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Fall)
Macie Sik, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Autumn Sikel, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Alexander Simon, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
iana Simon, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Leonid Simpson, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Cain Sims, Communication Studies Transfer Pathway Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Jordan Slama, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Alesha Slegh, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Libertee Smalley, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Ian Smetana, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Hunter Smith, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Tyreisha Smith, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Zachary Smith, Mechatronics Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Advanced Agriculture Technician Certificate (Spring)
Evania Soehartono, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Josh Sotelo, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Isaac Sowers, Agribusiness Production Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Liberty Sparks, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Sarah Spears, Practical Nursing Diploma (Fall)
Jasmine Spoors, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Rachel Stadick, Medical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
aniel Stamereilers, Advanced Agriculture Technician Certificate (Spring)
Coral Standke, Phlebotomy Certificate (Fall)
Sage Standke, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Kayleen Stangler, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Austin Stauffer, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Joseph Steenhoven, Information Systems Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring)
Joseph Steenhoven, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Caroline Steinbach, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Kathryne Stelten, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
August Stemwedel, Welding Certificate (Spring)
evan Stenger, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Kari Stephas, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Tahakeino Stephen, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall)
Griffin Steward, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
Hailey Stoecker, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Logan Storm, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Natalia Storojuc, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Aiden Stowe, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Geographic Information Systems Certificate (Spring)
Brady Strodtman, Agribusiness Production Diploma (Spring) and Agronomy Certificate (Spring)
Elsa Strom, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Lauren Stroup, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Rocco Strouth, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Sawyer Strouth, Phlebotomy Certificate (Spring)
Clare Stuewe, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Morgan Styke, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Victoria Suk, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Trevor Sukhum, Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Marco Sustaita Villa, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jackson Swedberg, Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring)
Hope Swee, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Charlotte Swenson, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Brianna Tauer, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Olivia Taxdahl, Agribusiness Service and Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Kyla Taylor, Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Jesus Tello, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall) and Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Noah Tenney, Auto Body and Collision Technology Diploma (Spring)
Thol Thim, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Kyla Thomas, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Mayetta Thomas, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Laura Thompson, Business Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Lydia Thormodson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Pamela Thornell, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Megan Thrun, Marketing Management Certificate (Fall)
Erika Todd, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Maleki Torbenson, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Hayley Torgerson, Practical Nursing Diploma (Fall)
Hector Torres, Auto Body and Collision Technology Diploma (Spring)
Tyler Torres, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jacob Tourville, Cloud Computing and Virtualization Certificate (Fall), Computer Assistant Certificate (Fall) and  Networking Services Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Samantha True, Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Early Childhood Education Certificate (Spring)
Edna Tudon M, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall), Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Early Childhood Education Diploma (Spring)
Jarryd Tupy, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Jonathan Tutewohl, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Katelyn Ulrich, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Gerardo Valdez, Marketing Management Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Michael Vanravenhorst, Welding and Machining Technology Diploma (Spring)
Tanna Vanryn, Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Tori Vanryn, Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Carli Vargason, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
America Vega, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Erin Vega, Medical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Madisen Veith, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Isaiah Velarde, Information Systems Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring) and Computer Assistant Certificate (Spring)
Ramon Vera, Machine Tool Technology Diploma (Spring)
Luis Vidal, Auto Body and Collision Technology Diploma (Spring)
Makayla Vlasak, Early Childhood Education Certificate (Fall) and Early Childhood Education Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Kyla Volk, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Chu Vue, Automotive Service Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Tina Wachtel, Early Childhood Education Diploma (Fall)
iezel Waldner, Welding Certificate (Fall)
James Waltemath, Welding Certificate (Fall)
Mason Ward, Production Agriculture Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Sarah Warner, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Brady Watrin, Agribusiness Service Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Hallie Weber, Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Jacob Weeks, Carpentry Diploma (Spring)
Miranda Weigel, Family Services Specialist Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Bailey Weilage, Auto Body and Collision Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
awson Weilage, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Emma Wenzel, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Israel Weyesa, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Jadyn White, Agribusiness Service and Management Diploma (Spring)
Lauren Wiens, Architectural Drafting and Design Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Abigail Williams, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Alyse Williamschen, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Tabitha Willner, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Hanna Wilson, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Dental Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Tylor Wissink, Welding Certificate (Spring)
Grace Withrow, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Tristan Witte, Civil Engineering Technology Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Kaylee Witts, Graphic Communications Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Matthew Witty Frank, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Heather Wobschall, Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Logan Wolters, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)
Garrett Wradislavsky, Intensive Care Paramedic Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Fall)
Tracy Wuddah, Culinary Arts Associate of Applied Science Degree (Summer)
Suleyman Yakub, Business Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Jose Yanez, Advanced Agriculture Technician Certificate (Spring)
Sao Yim, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Molly Yocum, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring)
Shukri Yusuf, Medical Laboratory Technician Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Amber Zeak, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
Jennifer Zelaya, Practical Nursing Diploma (Spring)
Ryan Zeunges, Mechatronics Industrial Maintenance Certificate (Fall)
Karissa Ziegler, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Spring)
aysha Zilm, Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Pamela Zimmerman, Professional Nursing Associate of Science Degree (Fall)
Samantha Zittel, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Spring) and Medical Assistant Associate of Applied Science Degree (Spring)
Jeremy Zuhlsdorf, Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate of Arts Degree (Fall)