
The Massachusetts Agreement on the Legislature

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A General Court, holden att Boston, May 9th, 1632

Present, The Governor, Mr. Nowell
Deputy Governor, Mr. Pinchon
Mr. Ludlowe, S. Bradstreete

It was generally agreed upon by erection of hands, that the Governor, Deputy Governor, & Assistants should be chosen by the whole Court of Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants, & freemen, and that the Governor shall alwaies be chosen out of the Assistants.

John Winthrop, Esq, was chosen to the place of Governor (by the generall consent of the whole Court, manefested by erection of hands) for this yeare nexte ensueing, & till a newe be chosen, & did, in presence of the Court, take an oath to his said place belonging…

It was ordered, that there should be two of every plantation appointed to conferre with the Court about raiseing of a publique stocke…

It was ordered, that the towne of Waterton shall have that priviledge and interest in the [fish] weir they have built upp the Charles Ryver, according as the Court hereafter shall thinke meete to confirme unto them.

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